Little Baby Playgroup

Sarah is thrilled to team up with Ashley at Delaware’s first Play Café (Middletown location) to offer this new Playgroup!

Come learn ways to simplify Tummy Time & Newborn Play while bonding with your new baby & connecting with other parents in the same season of life. A brief topic will be discussed at each Playgroup while practicing new ways to play & nurture your baby's natural development. The series goes through

  • Week 1: Tummy Time & Playing with my Newborn (discuss why Tummy Time was invented, developmental benefits, how tummy time progresses & all of my favorite tips)

  • Week 2: Babywearing Troubleshooting & Tips (discuss developmental benefits of babywearing, try on carriers & troubleshoot comfort/ergonomic/safety issues)

  • Week 3: Baby Massage (discuss the benefits of baby massage for both parent & baby and practice baby massage strokes)

  • Week 4: Baby Gear Recommendations for the Early Stages (discussion from the perspective of a mom & Pediatric PT about bouncers, swings, loungers, baby seats, creating "yes spaces" etc.)

Siblings play at a discounted rate ($8) during the Playgroup & a Nest Play Attendant will be present to assist the big kids so you can focus on baby.

This is a ~90 minute Playgroup with 45 minutes of guided play & instruction from Sarah - a Pediatric PT & Mama of two littles. Guided play/instruction is followed by an additional 45 minutes of conversation & connection with other parents. There is no need to attend the Playgroups in any specific order & they will repeat monthly. Drop-in to try one or purchase a 4 Class Pass (save over $20!) to ensure you have a spot each week. Space is limited to 8 parent-baby dyads in order to keep the Playgroup more intimate & so Sarah can provide individual support as needed. This Playgroup does frequently sell out so please book early.

*For babies 4 weeks - 5 months*

Location: The Nest Play Cafe at Cricklewood Grove, 5350 Summit Bridge Rd Suite 11, Middletown, DE 19709

Meets weekly on Tuesdays at 11:30am. Please remember to wear or bring socks. We do not allow shoes or bare feet in the baby play-space.

Take a peek inside our Playgroup below.